Sunday, August 25, 2013

Internship. Over

I took a bit of a hiatus while from posting blogs while on internship.  Not sure if that's a good thing or not but internship is over, got some time off and I'm very ready to get back to class.

This is my job for two weeks

Internship was a great experience however.  Worked at National Grid with a great group of people, as well as two PhD students in the Operations Research Center (ORC) at MIT (project would NOT have gotten done without working with Matt and Anna).  The project was fantastic, but easily the most challenging I've ever worked on.  Without going into all the details... the idea is utilizing weather forecasts to help National Grid better understand the effects of major storms on their assets so that they can properly plan for major storms.  Project had a lot of bumps in the road, gathering and cleaning data was difficult, finding the right model to use was a challenge, and we all know how bad weather forecasts can be.  However the team at National Grid, Matt and Anna, and our advisors was an incredible team to work with and I can't speak highly enough of the experience. (Now I just have to write a thesis....)

Taking two weeks off between internship and the start of next semester (something I recommend ALL STUDENTS DO).  Went back to Buffalo for a golf tournament that my family hosts to support several charities that benefit current and future service men and women of our country.  For those that don't know my younger brother, Blake Whipple, was killed in action in 2010 and we have a tournament in his name.  Event was a great success (perhaps not my golfing ability...) but everyone had a blast and we raised a lot of money for some great charities.

We didn't golf well but we had the most fun

New semester is about to start off and I very much plan on enjoying this semester.  First fall was a blast but I took a pretty heavy course load then went on internship.  The plan now is to knock out a lot of MBA credits (saving the rest of my engineering for the last semester), watch college football, enjoy every C function, and just enjoy being back at school.  The LGO program is great and internship experience was excellent, but I feel like I've been away from school for a LONG time and I really want to enjoy this semester (while still doing well in school).

Best of luck to all the first years with their orientation this week, on-cycles LGO's enjoy the rest of your internship, can't wait to see you at midstream review, and to the rest of the second years lets enjoy this last year because this (SHOULD) be the last time we're in school again.