Sunday, September 9, 2012

And so it begins.....again

Summer came and went, LGO's had some time off and now we start again.  This time with the rest of MIT.  MBA's and fellow Engineering students are on campus.  It's going to be another great (but REALLY LONG) semester.  The week off was key to getting back to sanity and relaxing a little bit.  I personally went back to Buffalo to spend time with the parents, my brother and his family, and play in the first annual Blake Whipple Memorial Golf Tournament (which was a huge success).

Caribbean Gulls Represent!
Once we all got back to campus we started off with another week of orientation with our fellow MBA's.  Very similar to the orientation the LGO's had at the beginning of the summer, just more people.  Got to meet our MBA Core teams, went to the Warren Center for team building, and we got to play the Beer Game (again!).   Actually players who had played it before played an "experienced" version and that was quite the experience.

Of course meeting the MBA's wouldn't be complete without some solid social drinking.  The class of 2014 represented quite well with a pretty crazy night at BHP (Beacon Hill Pub for those unaware) and our class went out on a harbor cruise in Boston.  Good times were had by all and and if nothing else we know we got a class that likes to have a good time.

Classes have officially begun again and I may have bit off more than I can chew.  All MBA's take the MBA core their first semester and most take an elective as well (I went with Competitive Strategy).  But, as you may know, LGO's are taking Engineering as well so I decided to tack on two more engineering courses, Parallel Computing and Engineering and Architecting Software Systems.  I have genuine concerns if I'll be able to handle the course load.  One REALLY good thing about MIT is you can drop courses well into the semester with no real drawbacks.  So I've decided to front load myself and try to push myself (that's the point of this right?).  If worse comes to worse I can drop an engineering course and be okay but we'll see if I can manage.  It's been done before I'm told...

Of course the LGO's got right back into the studies as soon as we got back on campus... Not really.  We did get really serious about Fantasy Football league though

Also the LGO's recently had a night out at Fenway with the SDM's (who actually bought the tickets so many thanks to them).  Night was an absolute blast despite the minor monsoon we experienced.  Game was only set back by an hour and that just meant we had to distract ourselves with a few extra beers before's a miracle we made it.

So another semester begins.  Case studies, papers, projects, endless team meetings, and now Engineering classes thrown in.  Not going to be easy...but nothing worth doing ever is